My Students
February 28 & March 1, 3, & 7, 2017 Sheila - “Introduction to Weaving”
Sheila Loggan found me through the Las Vegas Fiber Arts Guild website. She knew a little about weaving but wanted to learn more and wanted to be able to wind her warp from back to front on the loom. She came for her lessons on February 28, March 1, 3 and 7, 2017.
I gave her a loose leaf notebook with all of the patterns that she will weave and explained step-by-step what she will learn. I also told her that she will learn how to make a butterfly of each color of yarn that she will use for her warp and her weft. This way if she wants to find out which pattern is which at a future time she could do so since she will have color samples next to the pattern. She was a wonderful student and wove beautifully. I was very proud of her.
On March 3, 2017, Dale Thall, started her “California Rag Wall Doll” class, so Sheila and Dale were each taking two different classes with me. They started to talk about their heritage and discovered that they were cousins, eighth removed. It was fascinating listening about their common background going back generations.
Below are step-by-step pictures of Sheila learning to weave her sampler containing 60 different patterns and the meeting of two distant cousins.
Sheila winding her warp on my warping board.
You count your warp ends at the end of the warping board.
Tying the cross in 5 places is so important.
Sheila tied everything necessary on her warp to keep it in place before taking it off the warping board.
The warp is ready to be removed from the warping board.
You make a chain of the warp as you remove it from the warping board.
Two lease sticks are inserted into the two parts of the cross which enable you to thread your loom easily and correctly.
The lease sticks are placed onto the back of the loom and the cord holding them is tied onto each side of the loom.
The rest of the warp goes to the front of the loom.
Now that the lease sticks are in place and the cross is safe, Sheila can remove the 5 pieces of yarn that she put in the cross on the warping board.
She has attached the raddle to the back of the loom which helps her separate her warp evenly for winding onto the back of the loom.
Great job separating her warp.
Close-up of the back of he loom.
Sheila is counting the heddles to make sure that she has enough on the left side of her loom before threading it.
Counting view from the back.
Threading the loom.
Threading the heddles in progress - front view.
Threading the heddles in progress - rear view.
Threading reed determines threads per inch piece will be.
Tying the warp onto the front bar.
Weaving has begun.
The shuttle goes through the shed with the weft on it.
Sheila is making wonderful progress.
Close-up of her weaving.
More of her weaving is shown.
Sheila - a happy weaver.
Sheila at the loom.
Weaving continues.
Close-up of Sheila's finished weaving.
Removing her weaving from the loom.
Sheila holding her finished sampler.
Close-up of her finished sampler.
Close-up of Sheila and her weaving.
Two students - Sheila learning to weave and Dale learning to make a California Rag Wall Doll.
Sheila and Dale.
Sheila and Dale - two distant cousins.
Cousins - Sheila and Dale.