My Students
June 30 - July 14, 2023 — Olivia Coker
Making a butterfly
Winding her warp on the warping board
Counting her warps
A happy weaver
The raddle is on the loom which separates the warp for winding onto the back of the loom. The lease sticks are used to warp the loom. Getting ready to warp the heddles
Preparing the loom for warping
Front of the loom. Olivia is threading the heddles
Front of the loom, Heddles are being threaded to form the woven pattern.
Back of the loom. Heddles are being threaded
Sleying the reed
Back of the loom - The lease sticks go through the warp
The reed is being threaded.
A happy weaving student
Time to stretch
Close-up of the finished heddles
Threading the reed
Warp on back of loom
July 14, 2023 - Reed is being threaded
Tying the warp onto the front of the loom
Almost ready to weave
Next step is weaving
Weaving has begun
Beautiful weaving
Next pattern is woven
Winding her weft on the yarn winder
Turning the handle of the yarn winder is fun
Putting the shuttle through the shed
Beautiful patterns have been formed
Olivia is a fantastic student and a wonderful weaver
Olivia with Side One right off the loom
Olivia with Side Two of her woven sampler
July 21, 2023 - Macrame and needle felted projects
July 21, 2023 - Teaching her how to create wonderful projects with macrame
Great job
Weavers comb can be used to beat the warp while weaving.