My Students
December 12, 2019 — Kati & Children "Weaving on a Beginner's Wooden Loom"
I received an email from Kati Matteson who was looking for a needle felting class for her children and found my site on-line. I told her that I teach needle felting, macrame and also weaving. She was also looking for someone who teaches crocheting. I gave her the name of a crocheting teacher.
On December 12, 2019 Kati came to my home with 4 of her children ages 2, 5, 7, and 9. I gave them each a “Beginner’s Wooden Loom”, pre-cut yarn, a pattern and taught them how to weave. Kati wove too. She shared her loom with her two year old daughter, Gwen. Her children were wonderful and I invited them to come back to my home to learn needle felting and any other craft that I could teach them at a future time.
2 year old Gwen is learning to weave.
Close-up of Adele, age 5, beginning to weave.
Adele's weft is pressed down nicely.
Dennis, age 7, and Adele.
Dennis and Maurine, the teacher.
Michael, age 9, is doing great.
Kati, Gwen and Michael.
Dennis is doing great weaving.
Michael, a happy weaver.
Looking great Dennis.
Hard at work.
Kati, the mom, is enjoying weaving.
Dennis is enjoying weaving.
Dennis's fantastic woven creation.
Gwen is holding her creative puzzle.
Michael is making great progress.
Michael, Adele and Dennis.
Kati, mom, holding her weaving and 2 year old Gwen.
Great job Michael.
A family of weavers.
Adele, Michael, Dennis, and Kati, their mom.