My Students
October 3, 4, 6 & 11, 2017 Lesley - “Introduction to Weaving”
Lesley Morris found me through the website of the “Southern Nevada Handweavers and Spinners Guild, Inc” also called the “Las Vegas Fiber Arts Guild”. The Guild website is
She wanted to learn how to weave. She came to my home on August 29, 2017. She saw all of the kinds of creative things that I like to do. I showed her samples of what she would learn if she took my “Introduction to Weaving” class.
I told her that in this class she would learn how to warp her loom with 4 different patterns in 4 different colors. By the time the class would be over she would have sampler with 60 different weaves including a notebook with all of the information that she would need to weave any one or more of the 60 samples that she just wove.
She was so excited about taking this class that we picked the dates that were good for both of us. Below are pictures and descriptions of her learning the complete process of weaving from beginning to end. She was an excellent student.
Lesley is making yarn butterflies for her notebook.
She has a choice of colors to choose from.
The butterflies represent her choice of colors for her 4 patterns for her warp.
Lesley is winding her warp on my warping board.
Two colors are completed.
Great job. All 4 colors of warp are wound.
Side view of her warp.
Tying the cross correctly is top priority.
The cross is tied correctly and the other 2 yards are all set to be taken off the warping board by making a chain.
The chain is made and the lease sticks are placed into the cross.
The lease sticks are tied onto the front and back of the loom and the raddle is all set to separate the warp into inches so the warp will be rolled onto the back of the loom evenly.
Lesley is separating the warp into inch spaces using the raddle.
View from the front of the loom.
The warp is wound onto the back of the loom separated by a roll of craft paper.
Lesley is straightning out her warp on the front of the loom.
The front of the warp is looking great and is ready to be rolled onto the back of the loom.
As you roll the paper onto the back of the loom adjustments are made so the yarn rolls on smoothly.
You thread your warp from the lease sticks so you want to make sure that everything is nice and even.
Her warp is all wound onto the back of the loom.
Great Job.
Threading the warp according to the 4 patterns has begun.
Lifting up the shafts by raising the levers helps you pick the correct heddles to thread.
Rear view of loom.
Threading the last color.
Job well done.
The heddles are all threaded.
Threading the reed.
Loops are made in the warp so the warp will be ready to tie onto the front of the loom.
Progress is made.
Looks wonderful.
Close-up of the warp threaded through the reed.
These are the choices of colors of the cotton that I gave her for weaving with the weft.
Back of the loom. Everything is nice and even.
Tying the warp onto the front of the loom is the last step before weaving.
Beautiful looking warp. Great job.
Lesley's next step is weaving.
Each set of weft brings an exciting set of patterns.
More weaving is done.
Deciding which color to weave next is exciting.
Making and gluing butterflies to put into your notebook is important so you know what weft goes with what pattern.
More weaving has been done.
More colors are added.
A very happy weaver.
The shuttle goes through the shed.
Following the pattern is important.
Almost finished.
When you have finished the sampler you weave in several rows of waste yarn before cutting your piece off your loom.
Unrolling the sampler from the loom.
Close-up of part of the finished sampler.
Separating the sampler from the loom.
Wonderful job
Cutting the piece from the loom.
Lesley holding side one of her sampler.
Lesley holding side two of her sampler.
Side One.
Side Two.