My Students
May 7 & 9, 2010 "California Rag Wall Doll"
Kay Fiedler is a member of the N.W. Weavers Study Group of Las Vegas that meets at my home. She wanted to learn how to make a "California Rag Wall Doll".
The skirt for this doll is woven with strips of fabric that are cut in a certain way and woven on a peg loom. Kay purchased her fabric ahead of time and brought it to my home. I then showed her how to warp her loom, cut her fabric and weave her skirt. I gave her the pattern so she could pre-sew and stuff the arms and the legs at home. She also prepared the cuffs for the arms, the belt and the neck piece.
On May 7th and 9th, 2010 she again came to my home to finish her doll. She learned how to cut, sew, stuff, needle sculpt her doll's face and then color it in. She then cut and sewed and put an armature into her doll's hands. After that, she attached the hands to the arms, added the cuffs to the arm, sewed the bodice to the skirt, attached the legs, attached the neck to the bodice, added the head and finally added hair to her doll. She did a fantastic job.
Kay Fiedler - Sewing the Woven Skirt
Kay Fiedler- Hard at work
Attaching the Bodice to the Woven Skirt
Preparing the Arms
Maurine and Kay - Arms are attached
Waiting for the Next Step
Painting her doll's face
Kay's finished doll named Vadal
Left to right - Maurine (me) and Kay Fiedler
Vadal - Kay's finished doll - closeup