My Students
February 15, 2009 "Needle And Wet Felted Jewelry"
I just taught another "Woven Tapestry and Needle Felted Doll" class. This was a two day class. On Day One, my students learned how to weave the body of their doll on a potholder loom. On Day Two, they needle felted their doll's head, crocheted its arms, added the legs, applied the hair, put it all together and brought it to life. My students are, from left to right, Sandy Levine, Elaine Eggink, Barbara Sines and Jodi Glover.
Here they are beginning to weave their doll's body on a potholder loom.
They finished the doll's body before they removed it from the loom.
My students are beginning to needle felt their doll's head.
The needle felted faces come to life.
Elaine and her doll
Sandy and her doll
Barbara and her doll
Jodi and her doll