My Students
February 27 & 28, 2009 "Needle Felting A Gnome"
I just taught another "Needle Felting A Gnome" class. I had five very happy and creative students. This was the first class that I taught that no one stuck themselves with their felting needles- They each deserve an award. When I begin to teach I always talk about the safe use of felting needles- how they should always stick their felting needles into their foam pads in an upright position when they are not using them or are distracted by talking to someone else. This time there was no washing their wound with soap and water, no antibiotic ointment and no bandaids on their stuck fingers- Hooray. I'm so proud of each one of these students.
From left to right- Louise Cisco, Orie Montgomery, Dottie Millington, Micki Donch, Grace Johnson
Louise Cisco and Orie Montgomery - Their gnomes are coming to life.
Dotty Millington, Micki Donch, Grace Johnson - Their gnomes are developing their own personality.
Grace and her gnome
Dottie and her gnome
Micki and her gnome
Micki's gnome
Micki and her needle felted gnome family. Micki Donch took my two gnome classes. In the first class- November 14 & 16, 2008 she made the papa gnome. In this class she made a mama and her babies. I decided to take a picture of her gnome family and put them together. I just couldn't resist. She wants to take another class and add to this wonderful, colorful and creative family of her gnomes.
Orie and her gnome
Louise and her gnome
Louise and her gnome
Left to right - Grace, Louise, Maurine, Micki, Dottie, Orie holding their gnomes