My Students
December 3, 4, 18, & 24, 2014 Bobbye Sansing Weaving
Bobbye Sansing took my "Introduction to Weaving" workshop. It was a 12 hour class given in four- 3 hour sessions. She took it December 3,4,18 and 24, 2014 and learned how to wind a warp on my warping board, thread her loom, weave various patterns on her loom and learned how to weave a weaving draft. She did a wonderful job.
Winding the warp on a warping board
Winding continues for the number of threads you need
Using a raddle to space the warps on the loom
Weaving the weft with the shuttle
Beating the Weft
I enjoy learning to weave
I'm making progress with my sampler
Weaving is fun
I'm really enjoy learning how to weave
My sampler
Close-up of my sampler
Finished sampler