Winter 2013
My daughter and grandchildren came to visit us for two weeks – July 31-August 14, 2012. Gedalya, the oldest, age 19 on that date, lives with us. The other 3 grandchildren, Devorah, now age 16, Chaya Nessa age 9 and Yaakov Zev age 6 spent the two weeks weaving, sewing, coloring and needle felting. Below are pictures showing what they created during this visit.
DEVORAH - She began to needle felt a figure on a wire armature. She will finish it when she visits us next time. She also learned how to make a robe by adjusting the pattern, cutting out the fabric and sewing it all together.
CHAYA NESSA - For one doll I had pre-sewed a doll’s body for Chaya Nessa. For the second doll she designed her own doll and then wove fabric on her favorite loom and colored in its features. She then cut out the fabric, sewed the parts together and dressed the doll. I then gave her fabric squares upon which she drew pictures. She then sewed the fabric together and turned it into a wonderful quilt.
YAAKOV ZEV – Spent time coloring in the features of a picture, weaving on two looms, drawing the features on a pre-sewn boy doll and then sewing clothes for this doll out of felt fabric. During the time they were visiting us, Devorah and Chaya Nessa had hair cuts. You will notice the different lengths of their hair in the pictures.
Yaakov Zev is so happy to be weaving.
The shuttle goes through the shed.
Weaving is fun.
Yaakov Zev also wanted to make something on my sewing machine. I found some denim fabric in my stash and he sewed a wonderful bag with compartments in it to hold his prize possessions.
A happy sewer.
Some hand sewing is necessary.
Inside of Yaakov Zev's Bag.
All Finished.
Close-up of Yaakov Zev's bag.
Yaakov Zev the Drummer.
Yaakov Zev is the third drummer in our family. Our oldest son, B.J., plays the drums professionally and Yaakov Zev's older brother, Gedalya, age 21, plays the drums too.
During the week Yaakov Zev learned macrame - how to make square knots and spirals.
Chaya Nessa Pearl is now 11 years old. She wanted to make doll clothes that she could put on and take off her doll. In the past she had been designing her own dolls and weaving the fabric for their clothes, however the woven clothes were permanently attached to her doll.
A happy girl creating.
Chaya Nessa holding her doll.
Close-up of Chaya Nessa's doll's clothes.
Chaya Nessa also enjoys needle felting. She needle felted a cute little bear on a denim bag.
Close-up of Chaya Nessa's bag.
One of her favorite looms in my home is my 2 shaft Inkle loom. Here she is weaving a blue, green, red and gold belt. Yaakov Zev wove on this loom too.
She is weaving on the floor inkle loom.
Close-up of the weaving.
She also wove on my 16 shaft Voyager loom and had fun pulling down 8 levers at a time to form a wonderful pattern.
A lot more weaving to do.
Gedalya is studying Graphic Design at the Art Institute of Las Vegas and has been living with us for 4 years now. We are so proud of him. He is so very creative and talented and can design the most wonderful things on the computer
Gedalya showing his mom, our daughter, one of his finished school projects.
Devorah, who is 18 years old now is an expert crocheter. I had taught her the basics years ago and now she crochets baby blankets and booties for newborns, scarves, toys and so many wonderful things. She knows how to weave, felt, sew, quilt, do macrame and all the things that I love to do.
Devorah the crocheter.
Playing checkers is fun.
Chaya Nessa and Yaakov Zev.
Yaakov Zev, Gedalya & Chaya Nessa.