Summer 2015
Yaakov Zev is 9 years old. Chaya Nessa is 12 years old. Devorah is 19 years old. Gedalya is 22 years old. Yaakov Zev, Chaya Nessa, Devorah and my daughter, Zlati, came to visit us August 2-13, 2015. Gedalya has been living with us for several years now.
I received a quilt pattern from a quilt group that I belong to. It looked like a woven piece so I pre-cut fabric into the shapes that were needed for this pattern and Yaakov Zev, who loves to sew, sewed all the pieces together and made a wonderful pillow with his name and date on the back which he sewed on my sewing machine. When that was finished he wanted to sew a soldier and needle felt its head. He will finish it on his next visit to us.
Chaya Nessa decided to weave and needle felt a "Woven Tapestry and Needle Felted Doll". She also wove a wall hanging on one of my Structo looms in an "Overshot" technique. I was so proud of what she created. Devorah is a master at crocheting. She created two figures, from her own imagination, from yarn that I had at home. One of my friends, Angie Sohnly, came over and showed Devorah how to make a Landscape Quilt. Devorah did a fantastic job. She used every fancy stitch on my sewing machine as embellishment.
Gedalya has been working on his Portfolio which he needs towards his degree in Graphic Design from the Art Institute of Las Vegas. He will be graduating this December 2015. He has designed his own website which is: Here you can see all of the wonderful graphic designs that he has created. He is an amazing artist and I enjoy watching as he creates his amazing designs on his computer.
Yaakov Zev is preparing to sew his quilted pillow.
He is laying out his pieces to sew.
And is getting my sewing machine all ready.
Yaakov Zev is starting to sew the pieces together.
His directions are right next to him.
He sews his pieces right sides together.
Yaakov Zev 's partially sewn pieces.
It's important to iron the sewn seams down.
It's fun to iron.
You must iron slowly and carefully.
He lays his pieces down as he irons them.
Time to take a break.
Yaakov Zev is sewing the last pieces together.
He's almost done.
The reverse side of the front of his quilted piece.
A happy quilter.
Reverse side of the back of his quilted piece.
Yaakov Zev is sewing up his stuffed quilted pillow.
He loves to sew.
The front of his finished pillow.
Close-up of his finished pillow.
The back of his finished pillow.
Devorah is helping Yaakov Zev cut fabric for the label on the back of his quilt.
Cutting the fabric for his name is important.
Learning to machine sew his name for his pillow.
Yaakov Zev's name all sewn and attached to his pillow.
Chaya Nessa is weaving a doll's body on a potholder loom.
She is making progress.
The doll's body is almost done.
Yaakov Zev sewing around freezer paper for the shape of his soldier.
It's fun to sew on Grandma Maurine's sewing machine.
Chaya Nessa holding up her her doll's woven body & Yaakov Zev holding up his soldier's body.
Yaakov Zev stuffing his soldier.
And keeps adding more and more stuffing to make it stiff.
This is the stuffed body of the future soldier wearing shoes.
Yaakov Zev and Grandpa Al preparing to drill a hole in a wood base.
Yaakov Zev and Grandpa Al drilling a hole in his soldier's wood base.
Painting the wooden base.
Painting is fun.
Chaya Nessa is weaving an OVERSHOT weave on my Structo Loom.
Still weaving.
Making progress.
The shuttle goes through the shed.
Weaving is fun.
Cutting off her beautiful OVERSHOT sampler.
Time to take a music break.
Chaya Nessa is creating macrame arms for her woven doll.
Chaya Nessa is starting to needle felt the head for her doll.
Rolling the fleece is important. Yaakov Zev and Chaya Nessa are busy at work.
Teaching my grandchildren is so much fun.
We're making progress.
Yaakov Zev needle felting his soldier's head.
Chaya Nessa is attaching the needle felted head to the doll's woven body.
She's attaching legs to her doll.
Legs are attached.
Boots are being needle felted onto her doll's legs.
Yaakov Zev's needle felted head in progress. He'll finish it on his next trip to Grandma and Grandpa's home.
Break time - Yaakov Zev and Grandpa Al.
Devorah loves to crochet and design her own dolls, scarves, blankets and booties.
Working on the skirt.
It is so much fun to be creative.
She's working on a new crocheted doll.
The doll needs a face.
Looking wonderful.
Hair is added.
Front view - all finished.
Back view.
Devorah's working on a landscape wall hanging.
Looking good.
Ironing as you go is important.
A lot of sewing is required.
She used all the fancy stitches on my sewing machine.
Trimming the edges are important.
Looking beautiful - front view.
Back of piece - you can see her quilting stitches if you look closely.
Working on the quilt binding.
Hand finishing the binding to the quilt.
Devorah's quilt is finished - front view.
Close-up of Devorah's finished quilt.
Back of the finished quilt showing the label with her name and date.
Close-up of Devorah's name label on her quilt.
Show and Tell.
Show and Tell.
Close-up of Chaya Nessa's work.
A happy Chaya Nessa showing her creations.
Chaya Nessa and her creations.
Chaya Nessa.
Devorah and her two crocheted creations.
Close-up of Devorah's crocheting.
My friend Angie Sohnly's quilted wall hanging with beads on it.
Devorah's room 1.
Devorah's room 2.
Devorah's room 3.
Gedalya holding one of his many posters.
From Gedalya's Portfolio Book.
Another page from his Portfolio Book.
And another.
And another.