Summer 2005–2006
Chaya Nessa, age 2, loves to paint.
Chaya Nessa is getting ready to make a necklace.
Chaya Nessa is stringing her beads.
Devorah, age 9, just finished embellishing a pocket book with puffed paints. She is standing next to Chaya Nessa who is wearing her completed necklace.
Just like grandma, Devorah, age 10, loves to weave on her peg loom.
Devorah is almost finished weaving her tapestry.
The tapestry is completed. This is the right side.
This is the wrong side of the tapestry. It looks great also.
Devorah loves to needle felt. She is making a gnome.
Chaya Nessa, age 3, loves to color.
Her gnome in progress.
Devorah’s gnome is almost finished
Devorah’s finished gnome. It looks like an Indian woman.
Besides weaving and felting, I taught Devorah to do counted cross-stitch.
Gedalya enjoys using his palm pilot. Somehow children understand how to use these gadgets.
Gedalya loves working on his computer.
Gedalya, age 13, is very musical. He loves to play the drums.
Gedalya is an excellent photographer.
Yaakov Zev – my newest grandson at 7 months old.
Chaya Nessa, age 3 and her new brother, Yaakov Zev, age 7 months.