Summer 2002
They started out with a blank pancake doll.
Then they used fabric markers…
…to color them in.
They each made a memory quilt using Crayola crayons.
I photo transferred their pictures into the center of their quilts.
Gedalya made a monkey. He did most of the sewing by himself.
Devorah sewed a bear.
DEVI AND HER DOLL CALLED AUNTIE SHULA: Devi started with a blank sheet of paper and drew the doll's body onto freezer paper. I ironed the freezer paper onto the fabric that she chose. She then sewed around the freezer paper. After the fabric was cut out and turned right side out she stuffed her doll and painted its face. Trimming was added at the end. Devi won a blue ribbon for this doll at the 2003 West End Fair. Devi is six years old.
This is the first time that Devi tie dyed a shirt.
Gedalya had fun tie dying his shirt.
FLAT WOVEN TAPESTRY DOLLS: My granddaughter, Devi, and I each wove a tapestry doll on a frame loom. Her doll is the smaller one. Devi is 6 and ¾ years old.