Devorah & Her Crocheted Pieces 2010 & on going....
Several years ago I taught Devorah how to do some simple crocheting. She is now part of a small group of women, where she lives, who meet each Monday evening and learn and then crochet pieces for hospital patients and newborns. Besides that, she has been getting orders from her friends and teachers. She has been making scarves for them and has even been asked to making matching hats. She is 14 years old.
Below are pictures of booties for newborns, a blanket, a hat, headbands, a crocheted penguin for a child in the hospital and scarves for her friends. Her friends are wearing the scarves that she made for them. She is even modelling some of her scarves, headbands and a hat too. We are so proud of her.
Devorah working on one of her scarves.
Closeup of Devorah's Scarf