Cloth Dolls
Whatever – Ally, Linda & Susies
ALLY: is named after my husband, Allen. She is now living with one of my sons and daughter-in-law in Portland, Oregon.
Closeup of Ally
ALLY: She is wearing different clothes. This outfit is based on two outfits that I combined. They were designed by Judi Ward.
LINDA: She is named after my daughter-in-law. She is wearing a jogging outfit.
Closeup of Linda's head
SUSIE: She is named after my daughter. She is a doll that I made in Judi Ward's WHATEVER! WHATEVER! Class.
Closeup of Susies's head
SUSIE: Susie is wearing a different outfit. Her clothing is from a pattern by Patti-Ann Stanley.
SUSIE, ALLY AND LINDA: These three dolls are from the same pattern and are from Judi Ward's WHATEVER! WHATEVER! class.